Interim management: a concentration of skills at the service of your company and your association

The use of interim managers is on the increase, particularly since 2019 and in major cities.

Usually, a company will call on the services of a company offering this type of service when it is faced with an important stage in the transformation of one of its departments, strategic direction or its entire structure.

The interim manager is a professional with recognized experience as a senior manager, who will often be involved in the following functions: general management, human resources, financial or industrial management, on assignments lasting from 4 months to 18 months on average.

However, you don’t have to be a large group or a company with dozens or hundreds of employees to have a one-off need for a communications strategy, for the definition or development of a service offering, or for financial, accounting or management guidance.

At Axone Consultant, we see interim management as a real win-win situation for any company or association with a one-off need to structure a function or department. Thanks to our expertise, you can define and develop a function, service or task necessary to the smooth running of your organization over a concentrated period of time, with the guarantee of expert intervention and without the constraints associated with short-term recruitment (recruitment procedures, social and payroll formalities, risk of sub-optimal recruitment, doubts about skills).

©Axone Consultant, 2021, Abélard Mickaël

Would you like to find out more about this profession, which is growing every year?

I invite you to read this excellent article from Les Echos:

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Consultant Évaluations et Politique publique

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