Pilotage er gouvernance : Allier pilotage stratégique et management de la performance en faveur de l'intérêt général.

Code AF31

Le pilotage et la gouvernance dans un cadre professionnel revêtent une importance cruciale pour assurer la cohérence et l’efficacité des actions menées au sein des organisations.

Sous l’angle collaboratif, ces dimensions prennent une nouvelle dimension en favorisant l’engagement de toutes les parties prenantes, qu’il s’agisse des équipes internes ou des partenaires externes.

Une gouvernance participative, associée à un pilotage transparent et concerté, permet de créer un environnement de confiance, où la prise de décision est enrichie par la diversité des perspectives et des compétences.

Cela conduit non seulement à une meilleure performance globale, mais aussi à une adhésion plus forte aux objectifs stratégiques, tout en cultivant une culture d’innovation et de responsabilité partagée.

Dans un contexte en constante évolution, la collaboration devient ainsi un levier essentiel pour naviguer avec agilité face aux défis actuels et futurs.

C’est ce que l’équipe d’Axone Consultant vous proposer d’appréhender et d’intégrer au travers de ses actions de formation dans ce domaine.

A. Training objectives

This course aims to combine strategic and performance management for organizations working in the public interest, or in the context of public-interest actions and projects. It enables participants to define objectives in line with their social mission and optimize their impact through effective and ethical management. Emphasis is placed on the implementation of monitoring tools and participative governance to promote transparency and sustainability.

B. Target skills

At the end of this course, participants will be able to :

  • Understand and integrate the challenges of strategic management to serve the public interest,
  • Implement a high-performance, ethical approach to team and resource management,
  • Develop performance monitoring tools adapted to social and environmental objectives.
C. Target audience

This training course is aimed at executives, project managers and managers of organizations working in the public interest (associations, local authorities, social enterprises and companies with missions). It is also aimed at jobseekers, current employees, those planning to make a career transition or undergoing professional retraining, in connection with the theme of change management.

D. Prerequisites

There are no specific prerequisites for this course. However, initial experience in project management or team leadership is a plus.

E. Provisional timetable

Sessions take place once every 2 months. Information on dates and locations is available by e-mail at contact@axone-consultant.com

F. Course duration

The course is scheduled over 2 days with a total of 14 hours:

  • Day 1: 7 hours (08:30-12:30; 13:30-16:30),
  • Day 2: 7 hours (08:30-12:30; 13:30-16:30),

This duration is optimal for quality training, allowing sufficient time for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, practical situations and feedback.

The 14 hours of training are organized into 2 thematic modules for a total of 14 hours, i.e. 2 days, organized as follows:

G. Teaching methods

The course alternates theory, concrete examples and practical application. Collaborative workshops are offered every day to put participants in real-life situations.

  • Theoretical input: presentation of key concepts.
  • Case studies: concrete examples from the field.
  • Hands-on workshops.
  • Exchanges and feedback: group discussion to improve animation.
H. Conditions of issue
  • 100% attendance rate
  • Validation of all attestation procedures with a positive response rate greater than or equal to 80%.
I. Training schedule, teaching resources and supervision
  • The training will take place in a partner training center, in compliance with current legal requirements,
  • Room equipped with video projector, flipcharts and facilitation tools,
  • Access to digital co-creation tools,
  • Supervision by an expert trainer in co-construction and collaborative design.
J. Assessment of achievements

The attestation procedures are scheduled throughout the training module, and are validated by the successful completion of case studies, exercises and practical cases. Successful completion of all modules is rewarded with a personal ERO badge corresponding to the training module, available in PDF and digital format at the end of each training module. A training certificate will also be issued to all participants.

K. Post-training follow-up and support
  • A post-training follow-up, 3 months after the training, will be carried out.
  • The teaching team can be contacted for any information relating to the concepts covered during the course.
L. Documents required for registration

Completed vocational training agreement and registration form. No application fee is required. However, incomplete applications will not be accepted.

M. Termination

Candidates have a withdrawal period of 10 days following notification of enrolment. If the cancellation request is received after this period, a compensation fee of 100 euros will be charged. Cancellation requests must be sent by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.

N. Accessibility of training

The course is not accessible to people with visual or hearing impairments, or with multiple or multiple mental handicaps.

O. Prices 2024 (intra and inter)

1,120 euros per person, all modules included. Modules cannot be selected separately. Breakfast, morning and afternoon breaks and lunch for each day of training are included in the price. For training courses held outside La Réunion, travel and accommodation expenses are extra, according to terms to be agreed between the parties.


Pour tous

Administrative support for
The training organization can be reached at
or at